The initiation of building relationships starts when we meet someone for the first time.

Most often for professionals, this comes through networking. While the need to meet new people is strong, the dislike of going out to Network is high. Words like “daunting” “awkward” and “waste of time” have often been used when describing this experience.

So to take the (dirty) work out of networking, we created a process that was the complete opposite. Efficient, effective and purposeful. Our Structured Networking Seminars are guided for professionals to learn, engage and connect with others aimed at being more efficient, effective and purposeful.

Unique Features

  1. Professionally Facilitated
    Expertly moderated to promote interaction
  2. Curated Content
    To increase learning on how to cultivate genuine relationships
  3. Small groups
    To create a level of comfort and ease within the group

These are guided sessions, which are professionally facilitated, helping people engage with ease and connect more purposefully.

Customized according to group needs (small or large) these seminars incorporate essential learnings that teach individuals how to build genuine connections with others and apply this knowledge in their professional settings.

Components include:
Professional Facilitation Curated Content Focused and Efficient


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Helping you learn, engage and connect.

The initiation of any relationship, starts when we meet someone for the first time.

The need for us to meet new people is strong, but the dislike of going out to networking events is high. Words like “daunting” “awkward” and “waste of time” have often been used when describing this experience.

Our Structured Networking was created for people to experience  the complete opposite of general networking. Professionally facilitated, these are small sit down sessions with curated content, helping individuals to engage with ease and connect with others more purposefully. The learning does not end with these sessions, but continues well beyond, to be applied in our personal and professional lives, enhancing the quality of relationships we have.

Unique Features Include:

Professionally Facilitated: To promote engagement amongst all participants.

Curated Content: To increase learning on self improvement and relationship skills

Small groups: To create a level of comfort and ease within the group.