Can Your Professional Relationships be long lasting and meaningful?
Let me share my own experience here.
I always get to know people for who they are, not what they do, because of which I develop deeper ties with most of my business relationships and all of them have been long lasting.
Moving to a different place or position has never affected this, especially in the age of technology, where there are so many ways of keeping in touch, as long as you are willing to make those efforts.
Just a few weeks ago, I emailed my first boss in NYC. I realized it had been a while since I heard from him and was hoping to add him to my online network, so we could continue to be connected.
I wasn’t sure if his email was still active (it was hotmail!) but I still wrote to him saying I hoped his account wasn’t “extinct” by now. The next day I got this heartwarming response:
“Hey Shazaf
I am not on Facebook and I don’t use LinkedIn but this dinosaur email is still around. Friends like you are the reason I keep it, so you can always find me here.”
If I allowed labels to dictate the relationships I have, I would simply miss out on knowing gems like these.
“Boss” “Colleague” “Employee” It doesn’t matter what role they have. For me they are people first, who have always been invaluable and will always be irreplaceable.
In good health and relationships. Stay Linkked